Canada Expects 500,000 New Immigrants By 2025

Canada has announced plans to significantly increase the number of immigrants entering the country, with a goal of 500,000 arriving each year by 2025 in order to address a critical labor shortage. On Tuesday, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser unveiled the new plan. It prioritizes admitting more permanent residents with needed work skills and experience while setting more modest goals for family members and refugees. The plan was welcomed by the opposition Conservative Party.

“Don’t be misled. This represents a sharp rise in economic immigration to Canada, according to Fraser. “This immigration levels strategy has an emphasis on economic migration that we have not seen before.”

In accordance with the revised plan, 500,000 individuals will join the nation from outside by 2025, up from 465,000 in 2023. In contrast, according to the Department of Immigration, 405,000 permanent residents were allowed entry in 2016.

Most of those new arrivals will be business immigrants, who will be counted on to fill some of the approximately 1 million open positions in a variety of economic sectors.

Targets for PNP and Express Entry are anticipated to rise

Most new immigrants who become permanent residents do so via economic class programmes like the Express Entry or Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs).

The following are the predicted increases in the Express Entry landing objectives (primary applicants, spouses, and dependents):

82,880 in 2023
109,020 in 2024
114,000 in 2025

More PGP Enrollments

Reuniting families is another responsibility assigned to IRCC. The Immigration Levels Plan’s second-largest permanent residency class after economic class programmes is family class sponsorship. Under family class immigration schemes, sponsors for permanent residency must be a spouse, partner, child, or other member of the immediate family.

In accordance with the Spouses, Partners, and Children programme, Canada will continue to accept about 80,000 new immigrants per year.

By 2023, 34,000, and 36,000 people will have participated in the Parents and Grandparents Program, respectively.

Targets for refugees and humanitarian aid will be lowered

According to the Immigration Levels Plan, refugees and immigrants with humanitarian needs are also given precedence. People who are escaping perilous conditions in their native countries have a long history of receiving refuge in Canada.

Given its ongoing efforts to finish a number of programmes, including the acceptance of almost 40,000 Afghan migrants, Canada now has high humanitarian class objectives.

The target number for the entire refugee class will be just over 76,000 new arrivals in 2023 and 2024 before dipping to 72,750 in 2025.

From over 16,000 in 2023 to 8,000 in 2025, the humanitarian class objective is also dropping.

Would You Like to Immigrate to Canada?

If so, get in touch with VisaSpot immediately. All of our cases are managed by skilled and knowledgeable immigration specialists connected to VisaSpot. These experts work for VisaSpot Legal, an award-winning immigration business that upholds the highest levels of client service. They include attorneys, paralegals with licences, and consultants.

Are you prepared to go on to the next phase? WhatsApp us at +91-8755258653 to schedule your one-on-one FREE consultation right away.

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