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Canada Extends Work Permits To Relatives Of Temporary Foreign Workers

It has been challenging for company owners, particularly those in the tourist sector, to recruit the employees they need due to Canada’s weak economic development.

The announcement that Canada will grant work permits to relatives of temporary foreign employees was made by Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Tourism, and Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship. By assisting companies in locating the employees they need, extending work permit eligibility to family members supporting the primary applicant’s immigration to Canada would help alleviate the labour shortfall.

What Are the Changes to Work Permit Eligibility?

Before this change was made, a spouse could only get a work visa if the main applicant had a high-skilled job. This short-term solution attempts to enhance employees’ economic stability, general health, and emotional well-being by maintaining families together. The employee is anticipated to better integrate into their entire work community and environment as a consequence.

Starting in January 2023, Canada will gradually expand the pool of people who are eligible to work there to include wives and children who are of working age. This policy is only temporary, lasting two years. Families of employees in the hospitality, trades, and health care industries, for instance, would be covered. This new strategy is expected to increase options for both foreign employees searching for employment in Canada and companies filling their labour needs by allowing family members of more than 200,000 international workers to begin working there.

3 Phases to Ensure Success

According to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) official website, the interim solution will be implemented in three phases to guarantee its success:

Stage 1: Family members of workers entering Canada under the high-wage stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program or the International Mobility Program will be allowed to apply for an open work permit.

Stage 2: Phase 2 proposes to expand the policy to family members of employees from the  low-wage stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program after discussions.

Stage 3: This will involve consultation with agricultural partners and stakeholders to determine the operational feasibility of extending the measure to agricultural workers’ families.

The government will continue to create measures to help firms with their recruiting requirements at all skill levels, and immigration will continue to play a significant role in solving Canada’s labour shortages.

Would You Like to Immigrate to Canada?

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